Sunday, January 2, 2011


I've made new years resolutions for years...and never kept any of them! So about three years ago I decided that I WAS gonna stick to my resolutions. And I did! I set very realistic goals, ones that I new I could achieve, but not without a little effort on my part. I've continued to set goals for myself each year, some of which I've kept, some of which I haven't. But, as they say, aim for nothing and you'll hit it 100% of the time!

Here are my resolutions for 2011
1. Pray for each member of our church by name once a month
2. Do muscle toning once a week (situps, weights, squats)...and continue running 3 times a week
3. Scrapbook ALL of 2010 & 2009 and completely finish the kid's baby books
4. Drink half my body weight in ounces of water EVERY single day
5. Take my vitamins five times a week. Trust me, this will be the hardest one of all for me to keep.

Chris doesn't make new years resolutions for whatever reason, but we both decided it would be fun to set some goals for our kids. We are definitely not the type of parents who constantly push our kids, but we do think it's good for them to work toward a goal and achieve it.

We decided to have them memorize scripture this year. Hannah is working on 20 verses that Chris and I chose as well as memorizing the catechism for her age group. Caden will be learning 10 Bible verses and learning the catechism for his age group. We took them out to pizza to tell them about our plan, and told them that if they learned their verses that we would take them to CoCo Key to celebrate; they were super excited! We also made it very clear that if they worked hard and were unable to learn their verses that did not mean they had failed! They will still have much of God's word hidden in the hearts, which is something no one can take away from them! Plus, our kids are great memorizers and I know they'll have no problem learning their verses.

We are looking forward to all that God has in store for our family in 2011. We have many plans and goals but we know ultimately that it is in God's hands. We commit this year to HIM and trust that he will accomplish his perfect plan in our lives. To God be the glory!


Isaac said...

I think Wass Wass should make some resolutions if the kids are being forced to. How about some P90X? I hear that's a killer workout. Or go with the Mish workout plan: Wii Fitness.

Rachel said...

They just build a new indoor soccer facility down the road from us and Wass is on a team so he's pretty motivated to stay fit!