Friday, August 7, 2009

Pantry challenge: Day 6 and 7

Day 6


Baked potatoes with cheese and bacon bits. As a child I LOVED eating baked potatoes for supper, but since I have a husband who doesn't like potatoes I rarely cook them. I had bought some a few weeks back because I got a 5lb bag for only .86 cents! I was surprised that my kids both really loved them.

Chicken fajitas. I took all the leftover chicken from Sunday and added in some onions and peppers from our garden.

Day 7

....I cannot remember what I ate for breakfast yesterday...Hannah had a bagel with cheese. I know we were out of milk so I didn't have cereal. Well for all I know I completely forgot to eat breakfast yesterday, it's just been one of those weeks!

Fajita nachos.

Grilled tuna sandwiches, cucumbers and rice

We did it! We survived our pantry challenge, and I think we ate surprisingly well. Of course we didn't have the variety of foods we normally do but we weren't eating mac-n-cheese every meal either.

I actually learned quite a lot from this little challenge. I am BLESSED! I sometimes spend my time complaining about the food that I can't afford to buy instead of seeing the abundance that God has given us! It also taught me to think about my meals before I prepare them. Every time I would use an ingredient, like an egg, I would think through how it would affect my meal planning for the rest of the week. I'm also very thankful for our garden, that thing was a life saver!

I will make a little confession though--my husband did stop by the store at the beginning on my challenge to grab some milk. While I did have powdered milk on hand, I remember drinking that nasty stuff as a kid and would rather "cheat" then make my kids drink it.

Anyway, I'm really glad I took the challenge and it's probably something we'll be doing more of. It saved the time and hassle of going to the store and I also have $75 bucks in my pocket. Let me know if any of you decide to do it, I'd love to hear how it goes.

1 comment:

Corinne Doughan said...

I have awful memories of powdered milk as a child as well! Blak!!