Sunday, May 3, 2009

yes, I'm a bloglifter (thanks for the idea andrea)

Dear Hannah,

I can't believe you're four!!! Well, I can and I can't. Some days I look at you and see this grown up girl and I think time is flying by to fast, but then other times I can't remember what life was like before you came along.

I have so enjoyed watching you grow from a tiny 7 pound baby to my four year old little girl. You have many amazing talents already. You love to sing and can pick up any song after hearing it once. You sing all day long while you play, you really like to make-up your own praise songs. I think your favorite is "Jesus loves me in my little tiny heart." You also have a crazy ability for puzzling, you're better then me for sure. I remember right after you turned one you could flip pages in a puzzle book and find the correct puzzle piece for each page. Now you can whip out a 100 piece puzzle by yourself during your quiet times.

I think one of my favorite things about you is your passion for life. You LOVE to laugh. Our dinner times are filled with laughter. You can make Caden laugh SO hard...I love it!

You are full of energy; you run, not walk, wherever you go. You love to ride your big girl bike. Last summer you were a little scared of riding without mom and dad holding the handle bars but this summer you're riding like I pro. I am so proud of you for facing your fears and not giving up!

I am also so proud of you for not sucking your thumb anymore (well, mostly, we're still working on bedtime). Mommy sucked her thumb when she was little to so she knows how hard it is to stop.

You LOVE your brother. You are going to be the best mommy ever. You always make sure Caden is buckled in his seat belt, you remind him to say please when you share your snacks with him. You make sure he eats his dinner before giving him candy. You always want to hold him and snuggle him.

You are learning so much about God and asking so many questions mommy doesn't even know the answers to. We've had many long conversations about death and life and heaven. You have an amazing ability to memorize Scripture.

Mommy loves you so much Hannah, just for being you. I love your craziness (most of the time :) ), I love your excitement over seeing a wild turkey, I love how we scrapbook together and how you get to come along on girls day with mommy, I love your fearless determination to do anything that you set your mind to. I am so glad that God blessed mommy with such a beautiful little girl! You are a gift! I LOVE you times infinity + forever!

Love, Mommy

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