Saturday, April 25, 2009

we found it....

one our many missing sippy cups.

Don't you feel like you're constantly looking for your kids sippy cups? I seriously cannot figure out where they are all going to.

Well now I know.

Hannah has been sleeping in our room while my parents are here and the other night she calls Chris into the room.

Daddy, I found Caden's sippy cup under the bed. It smells like throw-up and spit-up.

Yea....I think we'll just throw that one away.

I so wish I had a picture to post of that nasty cup...but you wouldn't get the full effect of the nastiness unless you smelled it... SO gross!

1 comment:

Corinne Doughan said...

I've found old sippy cups before and that smell stays with you for a long time!