Tuesday, May 12, 2009

the house situation

So I said that the house situation was another blog for another time and I guess this is the other time.

Chris and I have been looking at homes for about 5 months. We've looked at exsisting homes as well as new homes. First let me say that we absolutely LOVE our home right now....it's just that we are quickly outgrowing it. We've done a lot of researching, looking and praying and feel that right now would be a great time for us to move to a new home. Interest rates are low and with the 8K tax credit we think it may be easier for us to find a buyer for our home this year. So, we have decided that we are going to build a new home!!!! We found a home that we both love, it has everything on both of our wish lists. Nothing is final yet though. We've met with the builder and are working on picking out a lot. We drove around tonight and found ONE that we like. (I guess we're kind picky about the lot!) We have four months to sell our home while our new home is being built so we are busy getting everything ready to put our house on the market.

I'm super excited about building a new home with my husband. But, I have to confess that even though we'll be getting a bigger, nicer home it's going to be SO hard to leave our old home. We've been here for six years which is longer then I've lived anywhere. We also built this house together and have had both of our kids here. We love our neighbors, Hannah has friends here, we have a running trail, a park near by....the list goes on.

A lot of details still need to be worked out before everything is a go, but so far it's looking good. We are trusting that if this is God's plan for us that he will continue to open the doors. If not, it will be disapointing, but we trust in Him and his plan for us. We know that everything is in his control and he works all things for our good.

We'll keep you posted on the progress!

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