Friday, July 3, 2009


We sold our first home!

We had a couple come through on Tuesday, they were from out of town and were looking at over 20 houses that day! On Wednesday they came through again because our house was on their top two list...and I guess they liked it because that night we had an offer. The offer was really good and then our builder (who is married to our real estate agent) decided that he'd give us an extra $1500 toward the new house, so we took the deal. Here's the kicker though, we have to be out of our house by July 23 (yeah, three weeks!) and we're out of town EVERY weekend from now until then. Oh, and small detail, our new house won't be done until November 15!

But GOD IS GOOD!!! We accepted the offer Wed. night and were planning on spending Friday looking for an apartment. BUT... Thursday morning (literally hours after accepting the deal) Chris attended his Thursday morning Optimist Club (it's a PR thing) and the guy next to him "happened" to ask him what he was doing this weekend, Chris "happened" to mention we were looking for an apartment, the mayor of Gretna "happened" to be sitting close by and "happened" to hear the conversation, and just "happened" to have a 3 bedroom 2 bath HOUSE in Gretna coming up for rent...on July 20!!! Three days before we need to be out of our house!

When Chris called and told me I about broke down in tears. I felt so loved by God who knew of our needs before we ever knew we had a need and TOTALLY provided a HOUSE...not just a tiny apartment, a HOUSE in the exact town we want to live in. We went at saw it that afternoon!'s great and we're taking it! (only a block from the pool too!) What a blessing to not have to spend time trying to find an apartment that we can rent for only 4 months. Plus we'd have to find a storage facility for all our furniture that wouldn't fit in a little apartment...and now we can avoid the hassle of bringing things to two separate locations.

Now, what am I doing blogging? I have a house to pack!


andrea said...

I KNEW I was going to come home and find out you sold the house. I KNEW IT!!!! I'm so happy for you! What a perfect plan. Why are we always surprised when God meets our needs? He says He will. and then He does.

Denise said...

I missed this post and just read it and WOW!!!!!! THAT IS AMAZING!!!!!! Can't wait to hear more when you are moved and sorta settled before you move and get really settled! :) Congrats!