Friday, July 23, 2010

say WHAT??

My brother got married this past weekend in Wichita, KS so we had to stay at a hotel. We were eating our breakfast one morning in the hotel restaurant and there was a mom with her three boys sitting next to us. The younger boy was quite interested in Hannah. He someone heard us say her name was Hannah and he's like "Oh wow, you're Hannah, well, I'm so and so. I have a friend named Hannah. On and on." And he totally talked like an adult. It was hilarious. Kinda.

So, finally breakfast is over.

Then onto the wedding. I'm sitting in the front bench and I SWEAR I see this mom and her three boys walk into the wedding. Well, I know it's no one we know so it must be a friend of my sister-in-law Suzanne's family.

Onto the reception. Yep, it's definitely them. The little boy walks up to Hannah and says "Hi Hannah, do you remember me??" Then he grabs her hand and is holding it while they walk. Meanwhile I can tell that Hannah is not into the hand holding thing and she's looking very uncomfortable and barely says a word, which is NOT normal for my little girl. Finally she lets go and I go have the "you don't have to hold anyone's hand you don't want to" talk.

About half an hour passes and I think we're in the clear. Wrong. He spots her again and walks over. Hannah is trying desperately to avoid him but to no avail. Finally he walks up to me and says "You must be Hannah's mom." (How old is this kid 19???) Yes. Then...get ready...he says

"just checking, because I'm pretty sure I'm going out with your daughter."

... cough, choke...WHAT???

I politely told him that Hannah was too young for dating and discreetly walked away. Well, maybe not quite so discreetly.

I knew I'd have these chats with boys someday, I just didn't know it'd be quite this early. In all honestly the boy was really very polite...but're FIVE!

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