Sunday, June 7, 2009

random happenings

Ok, I have all these random things that I need to post so that I don't forget them.

First of all, Caden has learned to jump. He bounces around the house so much that we've nicknamed him tigger. I'll try to post a video tomorrow, it's super cute! :) I think he bounces as much as Hannah runs, and that's a lot!

Caden has also learned a few new words. He can now point to water and say "wawa". He also says "I ove oo" (that's I love you). He also says something strange whenever he ways goodbye to someone, he says "dare dey doe" ...we think it's "there they go".

Hannah and my mom were playing upstairs while the rest of the family watched a sports game downstairs. Apparently Hannah heard us cheering and said matter of factly "The Cubs just won the Stanley Cup." ...Hey, we're just proud that our little four year old knows what the Stanley Cup is!

The other night Hannah told Chris and that she loved Jesus more then anything in the whole world!


Denise said...

Ahhh, Hannah is so sweet! And hooray she knows what the Stanley cup is, yes? :)

Eli learned to hop on one foot this winter. He had to show everyone he could hop on one foot. Going to the store was dangerous, those long isles were MADE for hopping on one foot!

Can't wait to see your video...

Corinne Doughan said...

My heart sang praises to God when I read what Hannah said to Chris about Jesus!!!

andrea said...

hate to break it to ya, but if she thinks the Cubs won it, then apparently Hannah does NOT know what the Stanley Cup is. :)