Monday, May 17, 2010


My dear sweet Hannah, you are FIVE! I can't believe it...(do I say that EVERY post!) But it's true, time does fly by! I'm trying to enjoy every chance I get to play with you because these days are quickly coming to an end. Already, you're more interested in playing with Kalvin, Troy and Kelsey then with mom! So...I'm cherishing our days of crafting together, taking walks, riding seesaw, playing polly pockets and boxcar children.

I am feeling very blessed to have been your mommy for five years! And when I look back on the past five years I see a little girl who is full of beauty!

Beauty is how peaceful you look when you're sleeping.
Beauty is the tears you cry over your sin.
Beauty is giving your last piece of gum to your little brother.
Beauty is the way your eyes sparkle when you're happy.
Beauty is your determination.
Beauty is starting a club to collect pencils for homeless kids...because "mom, poor kids need stuff to do too."
Beauty is when you look around to make sure all your preschool friends are being included.
Beauty is the hugs and kisses you give.
Beauty is ALL the cards, pictures and letters you make for others.
Beauty is the sound of your laughter.
Beauty is the way you pour your heart out to God in prayer.
Beauty is the way you hurt for others when they hurt.

And Hannah, mommy's prayer for you is that you'll always be a beautiful girl, who grows into a beautiful women! And you know what makes you so beautiful? It's CHRIST working in your heart. And no matter what others may think or say you will ALWAYS be beautiful to HIM!

So my little girlie, live for Christ and keep on letting his beauty shine through you!