Monday, January 11, 2010


I guess I should have proof read my last blog title before posting...oops!

Now that I've cleared that up, unto my next thought.

Every tax season I fly with the kids down to Florida for a week or two to visit my parents. Why? One, because hello, it's WARM! But mostly because Chris is busy working and it's a great break for us, gives us something to look forward to, and I love that my kids get to see their grandparents and aunt and uncle and build their relationship with them.

But, every year I go to book the tickets (which get more expensive every year) and I question whether or not we should go. I think, "it's so much money and we could use that money for _________ " fill in the blank. Chris and I have had many discussions about money and how to spend it over the past eight years of our marriage and you know what we always decide, that we value experiences/relationships over things. We just don't know how long we'll be around or our parents will be around, or how many years we're actually going to be able to afford taking trips to Florida so we're going to enjoy them while we can.

OK, I am totally not saying that you should take out your life savings and fly to Tahiti for a week (although that is sounding better and better). I think it's important to be wise with the resources God has given us. But I also think that sometimes we spend too much time being consumed with saving every penny we make for the future. I don't know what the future holds. What I do know is that I have my family RIGHT NOW and I'm gonna enjoy them RIGHT NOW and spend time with them for as long as God allows me! So I'm gonna book those tickets to Florida and I'm not gonna feel guilty about it and I'm not gonna wonder how I could have spent that money more "wisely" and I'm going to hold on to those memories of taking my kids with me every tax season to see their Grammy and Papa. And I think I just wrote the longest sentence ever, but that's beside the point!

Andrea, if you're reading this I hope that you have an AMAZING time in California, I am SO excited for you guys. I know your kids will remember that trip for a long time and I'm sure you and Steve will never forget it! PS--I hope you don't mind me telling the world your vacation plans! :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

What Hannah loves about her Dadyd

Last night before bed Chris asked Hannah what she loved about her daddy.

She said

"That you love Jesus and that you give mommy kisses!"

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Potty training

I dread potty training. I don't why, it went pretty smoothly with Hannah, it's just one of those things that I DON'T like to do. At least when they're wearing a diaper it's contained in a small area. Plus, you're not taking them to the potty all the time, which isn't that big of a deal when you're at home, but when you're in the check out lane at Walmart with half your groceries still in your cart....then, yeah, not so fun.

Anyway, Caden has been pooping and peeing regularly on the potty for the past six months, so I finally decided that I have GOT to potty train that kid.

Day one: One accident...kind of. I noticed that he was a little wet so I put him on the potty and he actually did still pee.

By the way, we just moved into a new house and since I don't want little pee spots all over our carpet I put him in his underwear with a diaper over top. (Thanks for the tip Maria). He looked HILARIOUS with his blue boxer briefs with a diaper over top. And he just happened to be wearing his "chick magnet" shirt. Man, I should have taken a picture of that.

Day two: NO ACCIDENTS, yet anyway. I was SO brave and even went to the bank and the store with him in his underwear.

So far it's going well. But I know that tomorrow is coming and since I'm on the second time around with potty training a child I know that just because we don't have accidents today doesn't mean we won't have any tomorrow.

By the way, if you have any advice on potty training I'd love to hear it. All I'm doing is letting him wear underwear and setting him on the potty every so often. I've noticed that if he sits willingly he really does have to go. He normally only fights me if he really doesn't have to go. So, I kinda go with his mood and so far it's working out.

Now if I can just get him to tell me when he has to go, that would be awesome!